For months Idriss Stelley had been acting strangely. His family and friends were worried. Stelley went to a psychiatrist a number of times but then decided the doctor was conspiring against him. He stopped going to his appointments. Then, Stelley started believing that the faculty of the college he attended was filling the air with poisonous chemicals to make him sick. He also thought the school was a secret military recruitment center. On June 13, 2001 he went to a movie with his girlfriend. In the theater, Stelley took three shots of tequila and lit a cigarette. The ushers came in to talk to Stelley and he got upset. His girlfriend called Stelley's mother. His mother had a plan: call the police and tell them he's having a mental breakdown, thinking they could help. A gang of San Francisco police officers came in, clearing everyone out of the theater. The pigs shot and killed the 23-year-old Black man, knowing he was mentally disturbed. Their bullets left holes in his head, chest, abdomen, buttocks, right leg, right foot, left arm, right shoulder, and right arm.
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