Osiel Santana, of Hialeah, Florida His sister Yahima Gonzalez, said she believes an officer jumped on her brother's head and killed him.
Sources said that Santana made a tea from Angel Trumpet, a hallucinogenic plant. Police were called because Santana was ”high” and “ sat in the middle of the street.” When the PIGS arrived they said he resisted arrest. The PIGS said they had to use force to restrain him and that as soon as they got him in the PIG Mobile he started banging his head against the inside of it. (The pigs always have an excuse) Witnesses said police slammed Santana down on the ground and beat him up. Santana's sister said "The only thing I can say is that he's gone. I don't have him anymore. I hope justice is made because they finished him.”
Santana family attorney, Lee Marks, said the family wants to find out what happened after he was picked up, because he was conscious when they left.
A medical examiner later said that Santana didn’t die from his assault by the pigs (c-o-v-e-r-u-p), and that it was more possible that he died from the use of the Angel trumpet.
Wuddup Syn?!
Long time no see dawg. This is in reaction to the video on your counter -racism blog because you don't allow free speech on your blog, I am attempting to use our right to use free speech here. This video is funny as hell because if someone actually watched that WHOLE video everyone would know that General Yahanna who is known for name-calling and speaking negatively about White people all day on a street corner; what does this woman do when there is non-stop negativity spoken about White people and in particular 'White men'?
She blew up, after she took racial abuse for so long. Of course some people when people around them make them feel not welcome (She was feeling not welcome), when someone doesn't feel welcome according to their race when someone is attacking their race they sometimes attack race BACK, which is not the correct way, but in the heat of the argument this can sometimes happen and she may not be racist, it may have been just a counter-reaction to her mistreatment.
And you could obviously use the deception that she might not have been hurt by these words but, if you look on YouTube General Yahanna is KNOWN for making White people cry, I haven't even seen much of his videos but I seen him make 2 people cry and made one White guy kiss his feet.
But to top it all off I want to end this by saying that you have put up an edited version of this video before on your youtube channel, not covering what General Yahanna was saying before she said what she said, people on youtube then went out on their own to look for that video, then came back to your edited version and I remember a Black male saying something like: "This video isn't fair, I could understand why she blew up after being berated the way she was"
You then obviously TOOK THE VIDEO DOWN! But now, now that it's almost impossible to find the FULL VERSION of that video, you post this, again.
C'mon dawg, why don't you post just one of General Yahanna's videos? And it doesn't even have to be a video where he makes a person cry.
I think you will erase this because it will not only expose that you like to use deception, but also it will expose that you do not want people to have freedom to speak.
And to make a statement about this blog. I didn't see what happened but the family said that he had taken Angel trumpet and this is what it says online about Angel trumpet:
"As with Datura, all parts of Brugmansia are highly toxic. The plants are sometimes ingested for recreational or shamanic intoxication as the plant contains the tropane alkaloids scopolamine and atropine; however because the potency of the toxic compounds in the plant is variable, the degree of intoxication is unpredictable and can be fatal."
So, what are you saying SynQ? Are you saying that these "pigs" were out having fun wanting to kill a person for no reason? (Which if they did they would risk themselves being put behind bars) So, my question to you is, why would someone risk their own life to kill someone?
More on the effects of this drug:
Effects of ingestion
Due to the potent combination of anticholinergic substances it contains, Datura intoxication typically produces effects similar to that of an anticholinergic delirium (as contrasted to hallucination): a complete inability to differentiate reality from fantasy; hyperthermia; tachycardia; bizarre, and possibly violent behavior; and severe mydriasis with resultant painful photophobia that can last several days. Pronounced amnesia is another commonly reported effect.
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